
钢琴曲:钟 LaCampanella 李斯特

加入 2008-11-27 04:13:28 | 长度: 5分10秒 | 类别: 歌曲
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李斯特的《LaCampanella钟》。此曲原为帕格尼尼的小提琴协奏曲,当时李斯特听到此曲后被深深吸引,随即改编为钢琴作品。此曲旋律优美动听,但需要演奏者极高超的钢琴技巧,以当时的钢琴发展来看,其艰深程度被视为“不可能弹奏”。短短4分钟的音乐中,要不断出现“轮奏”(左右手交替弹奏)、“快速变八度”及“极大音程跳动的断奏”等部分。当中最难的段落在以单手快速跳跃4个8度弹奏模仿钟声的一段。Liszt's "LaCampanella 10 minutes." Ciqu was Paganini's Violin Concerto, Liszt was deeply attracted to hear Ciqu was then adapted for piano music. Ciqu beautiful melody sounds great, but it needs to perform ultra-high piano skills at the piano development, the extent of their difficult as "impossible to play." A short span of 4 minutes of music, it is necessary to keep a "round played" (right-hand man playing the turn), "Rapid change octave" and "a great interval staccato beat of" part. Among the most difficult paragraphs in a rapid one-handed jump 4 8 degrees play for a copy of the bell

关键字:  李斯特             钢琴曲     LaCampanella       帕格尼尼     古典音乐     临沂